Mā māia, ko mātau. Mā mātau, ko momoho. Mā momoho, ka puta ki te whai ao, ki te Ao Mārama e - From hard work, comes confidence and expertise. From confidence and expertise comes success. With success we can go forth into the world with PRIDE!
We have a small but massively dedicated Home and School Group. This group is made up of whānau members (Mums, Dads, Aunts, Grandmothers, Caregivers etc etc), alongside our teacher representatives Gail Shine and Paula Nicol, and the Principal Maaka Papuni.
We are always looking to grow our membership and would love to see more people come along.
If you cannot attend our monthly meetings (5.30pm-6.30pm at the latest), let us know if you can assist in other ways.
Our Home and School members assist in numerous ways including school fundraising events and helping to run discos and our Year 6 Leaver's Dance.
Contact the Principal (Maaka), Gail (gail.shine@porritt.school.nz) or Paula (paula.nicol@porritt.school.nz ), the school office, or any member of the Home and School Group if you can be involved and support in any way.
Ma tini ma mano ka rapa te whai - By many, by thousands, the work will be accomplished (Many hands make light work!!!)
36 Lyttelton Crescent
(Google map link)
Phone 06 844 4620
Term 1 03.02.2025 - 11.04.2025
Term 2 28.04.2025 - 27.06.2025
Term 3 14.07.2025 - 19.09.2025
Term 4 06.10.2025 - 17.12.2025